Soundhack pvoc Kit v1.5.2 MacOSX-HEXWARS | 3.5MB
Time, Pitch & Phase: Stretching, Shifting & Smearing
A Four-Plugin Bundle exploring the classic Phase Vocoder and Granular Synthesis algorithms. Pitch shifting, harmonizing, time stretching, layered loops, phase mangling, ambient clouds, resonant stuttering and more. Essential tools for adventurous musicians and sound designers.
Classic pvoc pitch shifting and MIDI vocoder. +pitchsift offers both FFT and sinebank pitch shift engines with control over harmonic tracking and reproduction. This allows a wide range of sounds from clean pitch shifts to overly smeared harmonics to chaotic warbling. Pitch can be controlled in equal temperament by cents or by just tempered ratios. Also included is a unique vocoder which locks any live harmonic to the closest MIDI harmonic.
A live input time stretch which works by dividing the input into multiple simultaneous time stretchers. The result creates beautiful, layered ambiances which sound like a cross between time stretching, reverb and tape delay. +spiralstretch uses your choice of pvoc or granular time stretch engines, and stretch times from 1x to 100x.
+pvocloop combines the time stretching and pitch shifting algorithms of +spiralstretch and +pitchsift into a four-voice looper. Loops can come from soundfiles, or be sampled live, and can be played and modified under MIDI control.
Destructive pvoc phase processing. +phasemash combines a number of simple phase manipulation techniques to give you pitchless sounds, inharmonic frequency shifting, resonant robotic sounds, ambient washes, harmonic scrambling or any combination of these. Perfect for live processing of rhythm loops and tracks.
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