K-Devices Drumk 2 v2.3 Max for Live-SYNTHiC4TE | 41 MB
Drumk is the smartest editor for your loops. From glitch and cuts intricate sequences to realistic drums variations, you will reach a world of different sounds and styles… with just one tool.
With its arsenal of builtin effects, the external controls feature, and a lot of functions for time handling and modulation, drumk will become shortly the perfect companion for all your music creations.
The detailed control on all parameters drumk gives you make of it a powerful studio tool, while the excellent CPU performance and handy recall functions will let you bring drumk on stage with you, for more twisting fun, even live!!
Based on a grid and multisliders, Drumk 2 is a really powerful and versatile tool: you can use drumk 2 to process drums samples, voices, strings or any kind of source you can imagine.
In Drumk 2 you can choose to design sound with your hands, meticulously editing each step parameters and playback modes, but you can also using aleatory functions as random buttons, drunkwalk, walker mode, and time variation probabilities.
Drumk 2 stores up to 8 snapshots per preset. This makes Drumk 2 an useful instrument in studio as well as during live performance. Recall snapshots on the fly, trigger random functions from your controller, play steps with your MIDI keyboard: you can create and perform your song with tons of variations using a couple of loops and following your inspiration.
Slices are triggered in sync with Ableton Live transport or via MIDI note messages.
No external objects are used in Drumk 2.
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